We help small (and big) business owners get their messages out there through video and websites.
I’ve grown up with code, being a millennial and all that, but that doesn’t mean to say I don’t understand business. In fact, I started my own business aged 14 supplying video editing services to YouTube gamers.
With the world turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic, I launched the marketing agency at the start of 2021. Since then, I have grown the team and we have helped business owners who are either launching their new idea, have a website that needs a refresh or want to create video content to achieve better results on social media.
Continue reading to find out about my conundrum in the kitchen, my Buddhist practice and the indispensable team members that keep the cogs turning and the websites working 👇Â
I am a practicing Nichiren Daishonin Buddhist and have been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo since the age of 8.
Find out more about Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism at sgi-uk.org as well as the This is Our Age campaign here.
I am an avid gamer and used to upload videos of my best highlights from each day's play onto my YouTube channel which led me to start video editing for business owners.
If you see any red on the site, it tells you I'm a proud supporter of Liverpool FC.
I have to watch Eastenders every single night that it is on and I may even see what's occurring in Gavin & Stacey or The Office (UK) after the evening's instalment of Albert Square.
My mum tells me I could spot a brand logo instantly from the age of three and I started to code a couple of years later.
I started the agency just from a birthday gift - my laptop, which is why it is a part of my logo.
Buttering bread is still a modern day conundrum for me but I'm getting there!
I have an A* in Latin, so I do actually know what lorem ipsum means. And carpe diem!
Since launching, we have been delighted to add vital members to the team, helping us to make each website bespoke and of an outstanding quality with a fast turnaround. Within our experienced and tight-knit team, we have:
We’d love to hear what you’re hoping to achieve from your project and any questions that you may have.